Identification of reliable and stable markets is one of the most important requirements for oil and natural gas exports. The importance of this issue can be answered from standpoint of energy security demands. China, India and the European Union are Iran's potential strategic energy markets, regardless of sanctions. In October 2014 The European Council agreed on a new 2030 Framework for climate and energy, including EU-wide targets and policy objectives for the period between 2020 and 2030. In this study, we seek to investigate the effects of this policy on the security of Iran's energy demand. To this end, we examine the effects of this policy on the energy demand of one of the EU countries, namely Greece, which was also a customer of Iranian oil. Despite the fact that the EU energy Strategy 2030 reduces the security of Iran's energy demand, it is necessary to examine the possible scenarios of this strategy and assess the Iran's situation in each of these scenarios. During the next ten years Greece energy policies will have to be harmonized with the European Union Directives, focusing on the reduction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, penetration of renew able energy sources (RES) and energy saving. In this study, Goalprogramming method is used to model the macro-energy policies of Greece up to the 2030 EU energy Strategy. After creating the mathematical model of goal programming, environment scenario and Renewable efficiency and Influence scenario have developed. The Shannon-Wiener index and the share of oil and natural gas in primary energy in Renewable efficiency and Influence are higher than in environment scenario. Therefore, Renewable efficiency and Influence scenario in EU countries is favorable for Iran in terms of increasing security of energy demand in 2030.